The Sheet Masques Revolution

Belle Moment

If you are a beauty & skincare addict, or even if you are just interested in the current buzz on k-beauty, then you won’t go to sleep without finishing off your evening facial masque routine. Belle Moment sheet masques are so revolutionary that they not only help to treat all your immediate skin concerns, they also help ease your mind and boost your confidence. So pull out your Belle Moment facial masque from that box, gently massage the packaging to ensure the sheet is fully saturated with the essence, tear open package, and apply on your face!

Blossom Complex

Blossom Complex series is very unique in that the amount of essence in each individual sheet is a whopping 33ml, which is 8ml more than the average masques! We were generous with the volume because the remaining essence that doesn’t end up on your face can be poured over your neck, décolleté, and body. If not, we also recommend folding the packaging in half (to keep from evaporating) and using it as a hydrating essence/serum in the morning.